Inner Awakening! Exclusive Interview with Sri Tathata at Van Dusan Gardens, Vancouver, Canada

Last spring, in Van Dusan Gardens, here in Vancouver (Canada), I was honoured to get the opportunity to interview and film Sri Tathata (with his interpreter). He is an authentic Master or Sage of South India.

Inner Awakening! Exclusive Interview with Sri Tathata… Watch the video here:

In the video, I ask a question at 6:40. It’s so great to see them laugh!

The question that was asked before this video started was “There are a lot of inequalities in this world, [Sri Tathata] mentioned earlier that if we see suffering, we should help those in suffering. I wanted to know if taking action such as going to a protest or chanting and meditation is more effective in creating change, or should we do both?”

The answer is Inner Awakening! Have an inner awakening.

Whatever question you ask, that is the answer. To connect with others, connect with yourself. That is, your higher Self. Source.

Abide as the True Self, as Ramana Maharshi says.

I was given the opportunity to film, record and participate in this interview with an enlightened master of India, by Alice Zhou, President of Gracious Host Events. Thank you.

Alice Zhou said, “Great job capturing this, Bevan!  Thanks for your loving presence and open mind to this timeless wisdom.”

Here is a video which my friend – a very wise and successful businessman – who helped me shift my state (vibration) when I was in a low place financially and energetically in 2012 – he shared this video with me so that it would be easy to discern if a spiritual teacher was a true teacher or a fake. (This is because spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, transformational coaching are kinds of people I connect with and collaborate with. He was looking out for my best interests. Which is what we should all do for others. Communicate with love.)

Ramana Maharshi is the guru of my friend’s guru. Enjoy.

There is a place of perfect peace within you.

That reminds me, another video which is good for returning to the “safe island of mindfulness” is this one…